Thank you for wanting to be a part of what’s going on at Edgewater! Your contribution makes a difference in other people’s lives and we look forward to getting to know you more. You can click the “VOLUNTEER” button below or visit the connect table at church we’ll help you get plugged in. If you have any questions or want to know more about a specific ministry don’t hesitate to ask.


KIDS MINISTRY: Join our KIDS! Team and serve with us as we love kids and teach them about Jesus!

HOST: Greet guests as they come in the door and assist with tithe during worship.

PARKING: A parking attendant has the opportunity to be the first friendly face and direct traffic.

COFFEE: This ministry involves assisting at the coffee bar and helping the body with the “pour-over” process.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT FOOD: Join other volunteers that prepare, cook and serve the Wednesday night meal.

PRODUCTION TEAM: Operate audio, lighting, and video equipment.

MUSIC MINISTRY: If you play an instrument or sing and would like a chance to help in some aspect of worship, please let us know.

PRAYER EMAIL: Sign up to receive our prayer request emails and join us as we pray for the needs of the body.

MEN’S EMAIL: If you are a guy and you attend Edgewater you don’t want to miss out on our men’s email list. Receive updates on upcoming men’s events, service opportunities, and much more. Request to be added by emailing shawn@edgewaterfellowship.org

WOMEN’S EMAIL: Receive a weekly email and learn about women’s fellowship opportunities as they come up! Request to be added by emailing womensevents@edgewaterfellowship.org

MISSIONS:  Get involved with local and international missions contact jason@edgewaterfellowship.org


If you have any questions about volunteering at Edgewater be sure to contact us:

Email: receptionist@edgewaterfellowship.org

Phone: 541.474.7172



@ecfmissions – Missions

@ecfhs – High School Youth

@ecfms – Middle School Youth

@ecfkids – The Kids Wing