Edgewater Vision: To equip and enable the body for ministry and the glory of God



Activities/Family Camps:

Shawn Logue – (541) 474-7172 – shawn@edgewaterfellowship.org

To foster healthy relationships through sharing in fun, food, and fellowship.

Baptisms/New Believers:

(541) 474-7172

Providing follow-up, Biblical guidance and discipleship to new believers.

Biblical Guidance:

Glen Litwiller – (541) 474-7172 – glen@edgewaterfellowship.org;

Mark Skudstad – (541) 474-7172 – mark@edgewaterfellowship.org

To equip and enable an individual to develop a Spirit filled relationship with Jesus Christ and God the Father. As well as walk in fellowship with the body of Christ. 1 John 4:7

Building Project:

Shawn Logue – (541) 474-7172 – shawn@edgewaterfellowship.org

To coordinate volunteer help with the professional laborers.

Children’s (0-5th) :

Brandon Mathews – (541) 474-7172 – brandon@edgewaterfellowship.org

To establish a Godly foundation in the infant heart through the exhibition of God’s love in a fun, interactive and genuine manner.


Mike and Myrt Jackson – (541) 474-0819 – mike541@charter.net

To encourage fellowship by providing a treat that people will share over after service.


Mary Tucker – (541) 476-2169 – craftingwithfriends@yahoo.com

Equipping children to visually learn about God.


Shawn Logue – (541) 474-7172 – shawn@edgewaterfellowship.org

To prepare a place physically and spiritually for the body to worship and learn.

Grieving Group:

Bob Emery – (541) 476-9010 – maranathaptg@hotmail.com

LeRoy and Sharon Willoughby –  (541) 450-5882

Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4


(541) 474-7172

Meeting the practical needs of the body through the gifting of the body without distracting from the spiritual needs of the body. Acts 6:1-4

High School:

Kerry Alderson – (541) 474-7172 – kerry@edgewaterfellowship.org

To reach the lost, broken, trampled, confused and misguided teens with the message of hope. To encourage growth to spiritual maturity through the teaching of His Word and small group discipleship. To equip students for the work of the ministry in every day life. To promote spiritual fruit and see the gifts of the Spirit applied.

Home Groups:

Glen Litwiller – (541) 474-7172 – glen@edgewaterfellowship.org

Matt Heverly – (541) 474-7172 – matt@edgewaterfellowship.org

Home School:

Brandon Mathews – (541) 474-7172 – brandon@edgewaterfellowship.org

To connect both students and families with other homeschoolers in the body for a richer, fuller academic experience by means of fellowship.

Hospital Visits:

541) 474-7172

To equip the Pastors to reach out to the church body with personal interaction, encouragement, prayer and love.

Info Table:

Natalie Evans -(541) 474-7172 – natalie@edgewaterfellowship.org

To greet and inform any individual interested in finding where they fit into Edgewater’s ministries.


Joel Snow – (541) 301-1098

To visit those who are in chains of their own doing and introduce them to the Savior. Through Him they can and will be set free. John 8:36

Leadership/Bible Studies:

Matt Heverly – (541) 474-7172 – matt@edgewaterfellowship.org

Marital Guidance:

Mark Skudstad – (541) 474-7172 – mark@edgewaterfellowship.org

To equip and enable a man and a woman to develop a marriage relationship that exemplifies the relationship of Christ to the church and the church to Christ. Ephesians 5:32



And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart. Acts 2:46

Edgewater Christian Fellowship Meals ministry is a group of individuals and families that are committed as volunteers to share in the provision of prepared food with other individuals and families as directed and as the need arises to address those needs of the body that result from death, illness or other impairment.


(541) 474-7172 

To organize and equip the delegation of Memorials/Weddings to Pastors in an equal manor.

Middle School:

Kelley Skudstad – (541) 474-7172 – kelley@edgewaterfellowship.org

For middle school kids to obtain, understand and be able to articulate a strong relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior through worship, teaching and fellowship.


Glen Litwiller – (541) 474-7172 – glen@edgewaterfellowship.org

It is our purpose to equip and enable the body of Christ to 1) share the Good News of Jesus with our community and the nations; 2) bring them into fellowship with the Father, Son, & the Holy Spirit; and 3) deepen their lives through intentional discipleship training.

Parking Lot:

Shawn Logue – (541) 474-7172 – shawn@edgewaterfellowship.org

To provide a safe and orderly environment for the body as they arrive and leave service.

Seniors (Young At Heart 55+):

Dick Boden, (541) 479-8645

The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Psalm 92:12

The Edgewater Christian Fellowship Seniors ministry is intended to encourage those men and women that participate in the group to grow in spiritual strength and produce much fruit in the process. We will minister to one another to edify, encourage, and comfort as we fellowship and study the Word of God on a regular fashion. We will develop a deepening communion with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Josh Cunningham – sound@edgewaterfellowship.org

To create an environment that encourages Edgewater to enter into worship.

Special Events:

Shawn Logue – (541) 474-7172 – shawn@edgewaterfellowship.org

To help the body glorify the Lord through providing a festive, welcoming environment.


Removing the hurdles that keep people from worshipping the Lord and entering into His house. Psalm 122:1

Warming Center: 

The ECF Warming Center is open every Tuesday, beginning the first Tuesday in November and remains open until the last Tuesday in March.  The ECFWC is open for check-in beginning at 6:00pm. Guests may check-in as late as 7:00pm. Between 6:00pm and 7:00pm, a hot dinner is provided along with worship and sharing of the Gospel. Guests are provided with a warm place to sleep including a mattress, sheets, and blankets.  At 6:00am guests are provided with a hot breakfast.  The ECFWC closes at 7:00am Wednesday mornings. For questions please contact the Edgewater office at 541-474-7172.


Call the church office – (541) 474-7172 – receptionist@edgewaterfellowship.org

To provide a comprehensive, informational tool for the body at Edgewater and beyond.

Women’s Fellowship Ministry:

Carolyn Clogston – (541) 441-2465

Women’s Ministry:

Natalie Evans – (541) 474-7172 – natalie@edgewaterfellowship.org

Assist and facilitate women’s activities. To give women a chance to get away from the stress of daily life and re-connect with God through retreats, activities and fellowship.


Mark Skudstad – (541) 474-7172 – mark@edgewaterfellowship.org

To support our fellowship in offering to God sincere thanks, vibrant praise, and intimate worship that welcomes the Holy Spirit, magnifies the Lord Jesus, and glorifies the Father.

Worship Slides:

Katie Price – (541) 474-7172 – receptionist@edgewaterfellowship.org

To serve the Lord through the gifts God has given, while encouraging the body to worship the Lord.