After Jesus’ teaching on the Kingdom, He then demonstrates He is both the King and the example of a citizen of the Kingdom. Chapter eight presents portraits to instruct and…
Jesus concludes His masterful sermon with a blue collar analogy. Two builders with similar blueprints, materials, methods and effort have drastically different endings because of their choice in foundation. Jesus’…
Jesus finishes the Sermon on the Mount with some twos: two paths: two types of leaders, two trees, two types of followers, and two builders. Each of them targets a…
Jesus begins the greatest sermon with the Beatitudes or blessings. Jesus ends with the bewares. We need both or we will simply be plump snacks for the wolves. Jesus has…
Jesus is concluding His sermon by summarizing and applying His message. He makes it clear that the Golden Rule, verse 12, takes care of all the Old Testament Law and…
Jesus tells his disciples to ask, seek, and knock; they will receive, find, and open doors. The statement is unconditional and extends to everyone. Does this mean we can demand…
Christians are often accused of being judgmental. A favorite retort is to quote Matthew 7:1, saying, “Don’t Judge me!” While there is a partial truth to this response, it must…
Scripture is full of wisdom and practical tools you could call anxiety's enemies. Even more than being the antidote to anxiety, these seven tools help all of us live out…
Jesus’ sermon is pointing believers toward a way of living that prioritizes being rather than looking and the beatitudes over being comfortable. His perspective produces a kind of life that…
Jesus’ sermon is pointing believers toward a way of living that prioritizes being over looking and the beatitudes over being comfortable. His perspective produces a kind of life that culminates…
Matthew 6 probes the motives of the human heart. Are its actions staged to be seen, or do they come from a genuine inner source? Jesus uses prayer, giving, and…
Prayer – what subject has more intrigue and difficulty? Jesus in Matthew 6 gives a model of prayer that a child understands and scholars can study. Before His model prayer,…
Jesus has taught there are six evils that interfere with the kingdom (anger, lust, divorce, lying, vengeance, and hatred). Now, Jesus goes inside the believer to demonstrate that good works…
In Matthew 5, Jesus makes six statements clarifying the Kingdom. In this week's teaching, He makes the hardest of all requests; He tells His followers to love their neighbors and their…
Basic human nature responds to aggression by fight or flight. Neither of these responses build community or have positive results. Jesus gives a third way to respond to aggressive behavior…
Words in Scripture have power to create. Truthful words create reality and trust. Lies create ruin and broken relationships and are from the evil one himself. Jesus’ mandate for believers…
First, it was anger, then lust, and now Jesus talks about divorce. We probably wouldn't have divorced if we had dealt with anger and lust. Divorce, however, is a reality…
Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father. Humanity has taken these good gifts; instead of enjoying them, we have abused them. Sex is one such gift that we…
Jesus begins one of the longest sections in His sermon. He looks at the Law and gives us our Creator’s intention for that law. Jesus begins with murder and dissects…
What is this book we call the Bible? The average person may view the Bible as “the good book”, professors see it as a myth, critics see it as a…
In the context of the Beatitudes, Jesus tells us what we are and what we should be doing. We are salt and light. We don’t try to be these two;…
Jesus opens His first recorded sermon with an attention getter. He declares to all who would listen that the path to blessedness is a road less traveled. In stark contrast…