January 12, 2020


Passage: Matthew 5:1-9; Isaiah 65:18-19, 51:11, 52:7; Psalm 45:7, 32:11, 144:15; Revelation 1:3; Joel 2:22-23
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Bible Text: Matthew 5:1-9; Isaiah 65:18-19, 51:11, 52:7; Psalm 45:7, 32:11, 144:15; Revelation 1:3; Joel 2:22-23 | Preacher: Matt Heverly

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  1. I was filled with happiness this morning driving my son to school that I even pulled over in a clearing to take in how BEAUTIFUL the sunrise was. When I got home, insistence’s happened to where I felt all the happiness I was bathing in got drained away. I broke down crying and turning to the Lord asking for help to push the depressed feelings and hurt I was having (and honestly have been having a lot) away, and for the happiness I had prior to return and engulf me again. Even before the negative feelings took over me and I was still feeling so joyed, I felt a strong pull to listen to a teaching this morning instead of turning on the tv when I got home. I almost let being so down stop me from listening because I felt I couldn’t fully give my attention to the lesson. I took a second to pray and help me open my mind and thoughts, and then I went to the Edgewater website. I went to the teachings area and hoped for something to jump out at me. That’s when I saw it.
    I was instantly drawn to it, and in filled me with what I can only imagine to be is happiness and Gods hands.
    Thank you Matt for being a beacon of God. He shines so BRIGHT through you!
    Thank you.
    -Jasmine F.

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