Philippians concludes with a brilliant understanding of the place for riches. Paul says the goal isn’t to be rich or poor but to learn to be content. He goes on…

A Happy Mind

January 1, 2023
It can be argued that we are the most anxious and stressed generation in history. Philippians 4:1-9 is the divine cure for our problems. We must remember the good, choose…

A Good Journey

December 18, 2022
Scripture would agree with the idea that life is a journey not a destination. Often we get robbed of joy on the journey because we are focused on a mirage…

Gospel Fueled Joy

December 4, 2022
Happiness is a treasure that people will try to steal. Philippians 3 warns us to look out for three types of thieves. Even better, Philippians 3 arms us with truth…


January 12, 2020