The thriving model church at Thessalonica has lost hope and the
Apostle Paul pens his second letter to both theologically and practically reignite
the hope they had in King Jesus.
Spiritually mature Christians adjust their attitude and mindset onward; they have a forward looking mindset. We are to follow Paul’s and other mature Chrisitan's example of making spiritual things a priority in their lives by developing an upward perspective.
The less stable the outside environment the more important it is to have internal stabilization. Paul gives us in this text three practices that, if put into action, can act as internal stabilizers that will help us weather any storm, turbulence, and difficulty.
The final chapter of Colossians is personal and practical. Paul names his own Kingdom Team. It begins with Jesus as captain and then includes Jews, Gentiles, males, females, superstars, doctors, felons, and one quitter. The big idea is there’s room for anyone on Team Jesus.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Paul, after two chapters, holds up Timothy and Epaphroditus as examples of what he has been preaching. He uses these two as models,…