Navy Seal, Chad Williams shared his journey to Christ through his time in the
military. He parallels Naahman’s deliverance from leprosy to his journey to
2 Thessalonians charges out of the gate by discussing two of the
scariest subjects in Scripture: hell and the antichrist. Both of these frightening
subjects carry a message of hope for the church experiencing a sampling of hell
and antichrist-like figures.
The end of 1 Thessalonians is the practical boots on the ground portion of this brilliant letter. It gives the church both its marching orders and the plan to construct a community that lives into its given righteousness.
The end of 1 Thessalonians is the practical boots on the ground portion of this brilliant letter. It gives the church both its marching orders and the plan to construct a community that lives into its given righteousness.
Biblical Grit, which is defined in scripture as Christian steadfastness and endurance. This type of Christian grit is full of hope because it has at its core a faith that rests in God's promises, and is empowered by grace.
Pastors have two primary jobs: guarding and gardening. They are to heap on the fertilizer of God’s Word and guard against bad doctrine. In this chapter of Colossians, Pastor Paul…
In a culture of shortcuts and life hacks, Scripture confronts us with a time tested slow path to maturity that offers no shortcuts but promises transformation. Colossians begins with two…
A City that was once prospering is in a slow decline because of a decision made by the far-off city of Rome. Into this desperation comes cults, spiritualism, syncretism, and…
It can be argued that we are the most anxious and stressed generation in history. Philippians 4:1-9 is the divine cure for our problems. We must remember the good, choose…