The church at Thessalonica was freaked out about the end of days. Paul assures them of the return of Christ and then prepares them to live in the reality of His return.

Origins – Body Control

November 24, 2024
The church at Thessalonica is told to not do sex like the people who don’t know God. Paul had previously instructed them to control their bodies in holiness and honor. We attempt to unearth the weapons that they would have used to exercise body control.
Paul has to leave the new church quickly and has concerns about tough things he had said to them. Did they accept them? Reject? Were they mad at him? He sends Timothy and gets a refreshing answer to his relational doubt.

Origins – Growth

November 3, 2024
The church at Thessalonica is a model of church success. This leads to the big question: why? At the end of Chapter 2 we get the answer. It is God’s Word, Suffering, War, and the Win.
In Psalm 119, the Psalmist uses 176 verses on a single subject: the beauty and benefits of God’s word. The Psalmist’s goal is the same as our goal for Edgewater; to be a Church who approaches scripture seeking its greatest benefit.

The Cross Pt. 1

August 7, 2022


August 4, 2019
Bible Text: Psalm 18:8; Job 42:7; Exodus 17:14; Deuteronomy 34:8-12; Jeremiah 36; John 21:25; 2 Timothy 2:15; Matthew 19:7-8, 28:18; Luke 24:27 | Preacher: Matt Heverly | Series: Ignorant?

Love Is Not Resentful

February 10, 2019
Bible Text: I Cor. 13:4-8, Hebrews 4:14-16, Isaiah 61:10, Gal. 3:26,27; I Cor. 15:53-57, Luke 15:11-32 | Preacher: James Dennis