The thriving model church at Thessalonica has lost hope and the Apostle Paul pens his second letter to both theologically and practically reignite the hope they had in King Jesus.
1 Thessalonians concludes with a to do list of 15 commands for the believer and then states that God is faithful and He will do it. Seems like a contradiction but it is actually the key to growing in our faith.
The church at Thessalonica is first encouraged about the good job they are doing demonstrating brotherly love. Next, they are encouraged to keep going by: living quietly, minding their own business, work with their hands, walk properly, and being dependent on no one.

Biblical Grit

August 25, 2024
Biblical Grit, which is defined in scripture as Christian steadfastness and endurance. This type of Christian grit is full of hope because it has at its core a faith that rests in God's promises, and is empowered by grace.
Colossians 3 is all about getting the Kingdom into our lives while pushing out the corrupt culture. The longest practical application is not to marriage or parenting but to our jobs as bosses or bondservants. How we work is one of the greatest ways we demonstrate that our lives are lived for a different kingdom and our priorities are set by a better King.

FORMED – Sabbath

January 22, 2023
Americans have a love hate relationship with rest. The protestant work ethic is weaved into the DNA of our country and while it is a good servant it can become…


June 14, 2020
Bible Text: Proverbs 18:16, 22:29, 15:19, 16:26, 10:5, 3:7, 19:17; Genesis 1-2, 3:17-19; Isaiah 2:2-5; Jeremiah 29:5; Ephesians 4:16; Acts 20:35, John 3:16, 2 Cor. 8-9 | Preacher: Matt Heverly…

The Good Life

January 27, 2019
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 5:18-20, 2:3, 2:24, 3:13, 3:24, 9:7-10; Romans 8:5-8; Colossians 3:17; Galatians 5:22; Psalm 139; Ephesians 2:10; Philippians 4:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Luke 4:18-20; Isaiah 53:5 | Preacher:…
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 2:18-23, 4:1-8; Genesis 2:7-24; Luke 10:38-42; Romans 3:23; Ephesians 1:3-14 | Preacher: Matt Heverly | Series: Ecclesiastes