Amos is a prophet who uses his voice for the poor, used, and overlooked. He demonstrates that God cares about justice and gives us the hope of a coming King and Edenic Kingdom that will ultimately remedy the human problem.
What is the Old Testament about? The repetition of sin and failure can get monotonous and confusing. What is the goal? What is the solution? How can a people be changed? Zephaniah gives us the heart of the message of the Old Testament.
One of the themes in the prophets is their call of exhortation to God’s people. The call can be to get back to Torah observance, or justice or it in case of Haggai to stop procrastinating. We get to learn from how God shepherds His people during periods of “we will do it later” and gain wisdom for our own tendencies.
Scripture is an epic narrative full of characters, rules, history and miracles. It can be difficult to understand how it applies to our lives and what it means for us to live as those who believe and follow God. Micah helps by giving the most succinct summary of what God wants.
Restore: to bring back to or put back into a former or original state. There might not be a greater truth than God’s ability to restore. It goes further than forgiveness by renewing what was lost or broken. Joel 2 does a prophetic dive into the miraculous work of restoration.
Hosea the prophet’s life and marriage to Gomer the prostitute is both moving and mysterious. There is no happily ever after. Instead we are left to consider how we treat God and if we will be a faithful covenant partner to Him.
Everyone knows the story of Jonah and the whale. However, most of our mental pictures are from Veggie Tales and distort the incredible message of this prophet. Jonah isn’t about Nineveh, whales or dying plants; it is a mirror for the reader's heart.
Daniel’s life is exemplary. He demonstrates how to live in the worst biblical city. He not only endures the attacks but his life changes the city of Babylon. We get wisdom on how to endure our own attacks that come at our bodies, minds, and spirits.