The end of 1 Thessalonians is the practical boots on the ground portion of this brilliant letter. It gives the church both its marching orders and the plan to construct a community that lives into its given righteousness.
The church at Thessalonica is first encouraged about the good job they are doing demonstrating brotherly love. Next, they are encouraged to keep going by: living quietly, minding their own business, work with their hands, walk properly, and being dependent on no one.
Daniel lives a life of difficulty from being ripped from his home as youth, to being thrown to the lions as an old man. It would be natural to ask, “Is this worth it?” Daniel’s book concludes with God telling him this is the end and it is brilliant.
Prayer – what subject has more intrigue and difficulty? Jesus in Matthew 6 gives a model of prayer that a child understands and scholars can study. Before His model prayer,…