In a book about hope, why would the first subject be God’s judgment
in sending people to hell? In this text we learn about evidence of God’s righteous
judgments that will bring hope to every believer.
In the hustle and bustle of the Christmas holidays we can forget the
supernaturally wondrousness of the birth of King Jesus. Re-read the Bible’s presentation and allow God to rekindle wonder.
The church at Thessalonica was freaked out about the end of days. Paul assures them of the return of Christ and then prepares them to live in the reality of His return.
The church at Thessalonica was freaked out about the end of days. They were uninformed about both the return of Jesus and what happens at death. In this short section Paul brilliantly clarifies these questions to encourage the church.
The church at Thessalonica is a model of church success. This leads to the big question: why? At the end of Chapter 2 we get the answer. It is God’s Word, Suffering, War, and the Win.
Spiritually mature Christians adjust their attitude and mindset onward; they have a forward looking mindset. We are to follow Paul’s and other mature Chrisitan's example of making spiritual things a priority in their lives by developing an upward perspective.
The oldest written document of the New Testament is 1 Thessalonians. It gives us the oldest foundational principles of the church. 1 Thessalonians begins by turning the clock back to remember how the gospel saves and changes pagans.
Daniel lives a life of difficulty from being ripped from his home as youth, to being thrown to the lions as an old man. It would be natural to ask, “Is this worth it?” Daniel’s book concludes with God telling him this is the end and it is brilliant.
A crisis drives Isaiah to the temple and a divine surprise. Isaiah 6 is an incredible portrait of God’s glory and human sin.
Biblical Grit, which is defined in scripture as Christian steadfastness and endurance. This type of Christian grit is full of hope because it has at its core a faith that rests in God's promises, and is empowered by grace.
One of the themes in the prophets is their call of exhortation to God’s people. The call can be to get back to Torah observance, or justice or it in case of Haggai to stop procrastinating. We get to learn from how God shepherds His people during periods of “we will do it later” and gain wisdom for our own tendencies.
Chapter 2 leaves us dead to the kingdom of darkness. Too often, believers stay in this state, missing out on the feasts of kingdom life. Chapter 3 resurrects us and…
Bible Text: Exodus 33 | Preacher: Matt Hamilton | Series: Edgewater