Navy Seal, Chad Williams shared his journey to Christ through his time in the
military. He parallels Naahman’s deliverance from leprosy to his journey to
It’s not difficult to find conflict in this world. But the greatest conflict in the world today is the battle for our minds. The good news is God can reframe our mind for spiritual success.
The end of 1 Thessalonians is the practical boots on the ground portion of this brilliant letter. It gives the church both its marching orders and the plan to construct a community that lives into its given righteousness.
A crisis drives Isaiah to the temple and a divine surprise. Isaiah 6 is an incredible portrait of God’s glory and human sin.
Scripture is an epic narrative full of characters, rules, history and miracles. It can be difficult to understand how it applies to our lives and what it means for us to live as those who believe and follow God. Micah helps by giving the most succinct summary of what God wants.
Colossians 3 contrasts the old way of living with its vices and sins and a Kingdom way. It commands the believer to put off that way of living and gives…
The warning and guarding section of Colossians concludes with three religious traps: legalism, mysticism, and asceticism. Each trap is concluded with a truth to prevent a Christian from these three…
We all have broken pieces in us that cause us to strive to fill the “glory vacuum” in our souls. Doing so is where so much of the conflict in…
Basic human nature responds to aggression by fight or flight. Neither of these responses build community or have positive results. Jesus gives a third way to respond to aggressive behavior…
Jesus opens His first recorded sermon with an attention getter. He declares to all who would listen that the path to blessedness is a road less traveled. In stark contrast…
Jesus is invited to dine with the “in crowd” of religious rulers. It is an attempt to set Him up, discredit Him and bring Him down. Instead Jesus uses the…
Bible Text: Luke 1 | Preacher: Matt Heverly | Series: Luke
Bible Text: Daniel 4 | Preacher: Matt Heverly | Series: Daniel
Bible Text: I Cor. 13: 4, Daniel 4:4,5,27-37, Prov. 16:18, Luke 18:9-14, I Cor. 4:7 | Preacher: James Dennis | Series: Edgewater