2 Thessalonians charges out of the gate by discussing two of the scariest subjects in Scripture: hell and the antichrist. Both of these frightening subjects carry a message of hope for the church experiencing a sampling of hell and antichrist-like figures.
The thriving model church at Thessalonica has lost hope and the Apostle Paul pens his second letter to both theologically and practically reignite the hope they had in King Jesus.
It’s not difficult to find conflict in this world. But the greatest conflict in the world today is the battle for our minds. The good news is God can reframe our mind for spiritual success.
1 Thessalonians concludes with a to do list of 15 commands for the believer and then states that God is faithful and He will do it. Seems like a contradiction but it is actually the key to growing in our faith.
The end of 1 Thessalonians is the practical boots on the ground portion of this brilliant letter. It gives the church both its marching orders and the plan to construct a community that lives into its given righteousness.

The Righteous Community

December 29, 2024
The end of 1 Thessalonians is the practical boots on the ground portion of this brilliant letter. It gives the church both its marching orders and the plan to construct a community that lives into its given righteousness.
The church at Thessalonica was freaked out about the end of days. Paul assures them of the return of Christ and then prepares them to live in the reality of His return.
The church at Thessalonica is first encouraged about the good job they are doing demonstrating brotherly love. Next, they are encouraged to keep going by: living quietly, minding their own business, work with their hands, walk properly, and being dependent on no one.

Origins – Body Control

November 24, 2024
The church at Thessalonica is told to not do sex like the people who don’t know God. Paul had previously instructed them to control their bodies in holiness and honor. We attempt to unearth the weapons that they would have used to exercise body control.

Origins – Societal Sex

November 17, 2024
Ancient Greeks and Romans had a drastically different view of what was allowed sexually. The good news is the Gospel has redefined sex for the entire world and in its sunrise has protected the most vulnerable in a society.
Paul has to leave the new church quickly and has concerns about tough things he had said to them. Did they accept them? Reject? Were they mad at him? He sends Timothy and gets a refreshing answer to his relational doubt.

Origins – Remember

October 6, 2024
The oldest written document of the New Testament is 1 Thessalonians. It gives us the oldest foundational principles of the church. 1 Thessalonians begins by turning the clock back to remember how the gospel saves and changes pagans.
In Psalm 119, the Psalmist uses 176 verses on a single subject: the beauty and benefits of God’s word. The Psalmist’s goal is the same as our goal for Edgewater; to be a Church who approaches scripture seeking its greatest benefit.
What is the Old Testament about? The repetition of sin and failure can get monotonous and confusing. What is the goal? What is the solution? How can a people be changed? Zephaniah gives us the heart of the message of the Old Testament.
Scripture is an epic narrative full of characters, rules, history and miracles. It can be difficult to understand how it applies to our lives and what it means for us to live as those who believe and follow God. Micah helps by giving the most succinct summary of what God wants.
Hosea the prophet’s life and marriage to Gomer the prostitute is both moving and mysterious. There is no happily ever after. Instead we are left to consider how we treat God and if we will be a faithful covenant partner to Him.


May 2, 2021

End Times

September 13, 2020

Exiles Part 2

June 28, 2020
Bible Text: 1 Peter 1:1-2, 2:4,11, 5:13; Genesis 3:7-21; Ezekiel 16; Hosea 3; Colossians 3:3 | Preacher: Matt Heverly | Series: 1 Peter

Love Is Not Resentful

February 10, 2019
Bible Text: I Cor. 13:4-8, Hebrews 4:14-16, Isaiah 61:10, Gal. 3:26,27; I Cor. 15:53-57, Luke 15:11-32 | Preacher: James Dennis

Who Says So?

February 3, 2019
Bible Text: Ecclesiastes 6:10-12, 12:13; Psalm 119:68; 1 John 5:1-3 | Preacher: Matt Heverly | Series: Ecclesiastes

Evil and Suffering

December 9, 2018
Bible Text: Habakkuk 1:1-4; Genesis 1-2; Revelation 21-22; Numbers 32:23; Jeremiah 2:19; Proverbs 6:32; Job 42:7; Isaiah 53:4-8; John 9:1-7; Romans 8:28; Jeremiah 32:33-35; Romans 5:1-5; James 1:2-4; 2 Corinthians…

Love Is Not Proud

November 11, 2018
Bible Text: I Cor. 13: 4, Daniel 4:4,5,27-37, Prov. 16:18, Luke 18:9-14, I Cor. 4:7 | Preacher: James Dennis | Series: Edgewater


November 4, 2018
Bible Text: Galatians 4:12-20; Proverbs 17:17, 18:24; John 4; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:19; Colossians 1;12-14, 21-22, 2:13-16 | Preacher: Matt Heverly | Series: Galatians

The Kingdom

July 29, 2018
Bible Text: Matthew 13:44-45, 2 Corinthians 12:9,10, Rev. 3:20, Eph. 1:18 | Preacher: Mike Yunker | Series: Edgewater