2 Thessalonians charges out of the gate by discussing two of the scariest subjects in Scripture: hell and the antichrist. Both of these frightening subjects carry a message of hope for the church experiencing a sampling of hell and antichrist-like figures.
Paul has to leave the new church quickly and has concerns about tough things he had said to them. Did they accept them? Reject? Were they mad at him? He sends Timothy and gets a refreshing answer to his relational doubt.

Origins – A Model

October 13, 2024
Everyone needs examples. The Thessalonian believers were able to look at Paul, Silas and Timothy and then through difficulty, repentance, patience and God’s word they became the models for the entire region.

Origins – Remember

October 6, 2024
The oldest written document of the New Testament is 1 Thessalonians. It gives us the oldest foundational principles of the church. 1 Thessalonians begins by turning the clock back to remember how the gospel saves and changes pagans.
Scripture is an epic narrative full of characters, rules, history and miracles. It can be difficult to understand how it applies to our lives and what it means for us to live as those who believe and follow God. Micah helps by giving the most succinct summary of what God wants.
Restore: to bring back to or put back into a former or original state. There might not be a greater truth than God’s ability to restore. It goes further than forgiveness by renewing what was lost or broken. Joel 2 does a prophetic dive into the miraculous work of restoration.